Baby rice cereal: why you shouldn’t give it and the alternative

Did you grow up eating rice cereal? Do you see rice cereal in every store with baby food? Did you used to think that rice cereal is the best first food for babies?

My answer is yes to the above! I was SO surprised when I learned that rice cereal isn’t the best for babies!

Allow me to tell you a little more. And at the end I will give you a VERY EASY ALTERNATIVE to baby rice cereal.


It is very important to remember that what children eat between the ages of 6-12 months sets their health foundation for life. 

Baby rice cereal is so popular for babies that most parents think they ”must” start with baby rice cereal. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics and almost all pediatric associations now recommend limiting baby rice cereal and focusing on other foods.

I don’t want to scare you, but I do want to explain to you what I didn’t know before.

Rice is high in arsenic – which is (unfortunately) toxic in large amounts

Rice cereal is mostly made of rice. Rice has been shown to be high in arsenic. Arsenic is a naturally found component in most rice around the world, but unfortunately has been shown to be toxic.


Arsenic is now known to be a carcinogen if taken in big amounts, and also is associated with other health diseases such as developmental issues.

This is why rice cereal is not recommended for babies. Many health associations recommend that parents focus on giving kids a variety of food with little emphasis on rice cereal.

When it comes to babies, this is even more important

Arsenic in infant rice cereal is a concern because infants eat about three times the amount of rice that adults eat in relation to what they weigh. More than half of infant rice cereals meet or are near the limit of 100 parts per billion for arsenic. 

Does this mean we should decrease our intake of rice outside rice cereal too?

Yes. Even though rice is a grain generally consumed by many around the world, research shows we should limit rice to 2 to 3 times a week maximum. This is especially true to young babies who are more sensitive to arsenic due to their small sizes. I personally choose rice from Pakistan, India, and california basmati rice for my family because they are the lowest in arsenic. I also soak them and rinse them really well.

What else does rice cereal include?

The rice ingredient isn’t the only issue in baby cereal. I didn’t give it to my son or recommend it to my patients even before the arsenic news. If you read the ingredients of the most popular baby cereal in the world, this is what you will see: 

the ingredients in baby rice cereal and a new better alternative

You will find rice flour, sucrose, vegetable oils (not olive oil) – NONE of these ingredients are helpful for immunity, digestion, diabetes, obesity, or to prevent picky eating later on. Also, none of them contain iron, zinc, fibers, or probiotics for a healthy gut! Are these ingredients I would like to give my baby during the most sensitive period of development? No.

 As a general guide try to avoid the following when buying cereal for your baby:

1. Sugars and their hidden names: sugar, sucrose, maltodextrin. High sugar foods increase blood sugar and contribute to the baby getting used to sweet foods and contributes to picky eating. it also lowers immunity and causes cavities.

2. Artificial “flavors”: You would be really surprised to know many of the biggest brands still add artificial flavors to their baby food. Please read the ingredients carefully.

3. Avoid vegetable oils. Choose either olive oil or coconut oil for your baby food. They are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Those healthy fats are wonderful for the skin and brain. However, processed vegetable oils are inflammatory and do not provide any of the health benefits of oils like olive oil.

4. Avoid wheat ingredients that do not mention “Whole wheat”. Whole wheat is high in iron and fibers and is very nutritious. However, regular white wheat increases blood sugars and has several negative impacts on the body.I hope you found this helpful!

5. Avoid rice and rice products as they are high in arsenic which is a carcinogen. And white rice contains no fibers and raises blood sugar levels quickly

So how often should I give rice cereal to my baby?

I personally did not give it to my baby. However, if you want to offer rice cereal limit it to once a week and offer other grains instead. Rice cereal once or twice a week will not cause a problem.

What is the alternative?

You can give any porridge made from oats, ground nuts, and seeds. I have a detailed recipe for you here. 

You can choose other grains as well.

the best alternative to baby rice cereal by mirna sabbagh child nutritionist and dietitian / home made baby food recipes
Baby rice cereal – in minutes

But it’s not iron fortified

Iron is VERY important for babies, this is why adding pumpkin seeds and chia seeds to your porridge provides a natural iron source which is better absorbed by the body.

Iron is often deficient in baby’s bodies which can cause irreversible damage, this is why in my baby feeding course I discuss in a lot of details how to offer iron rich foods to your baby like meats and lentils from 6 months of age.

However, take it from someone who has worked with thousands of parents. If you start with rice cereal, the likelihood that your baby will enjoy lentils or meat stews will be much lower.

In addition, to be on the safe side, you can absolutely 100% offer iron fortified oats which is available in many stores today!



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