Tips and advice about breastfeeding developed by Mirna Sabbagh. Mirna Sabbagh is a licensed dietitian, nutritionist, and IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). She is based in Dubai and the U.S.
Breastfeeding is very important for the health of a baby. It helps protect the child from ear infections, gastrointestinal infections, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancer and so much more. It even helps the child reach his fullest mental and developmental potential.
Breast-feeding also helps the mother as it protects her from ovarian and breast cancer.
However, only 20% of mothers manage to breastfeed successfully. Why? Because breastfeeding can be so much harder to succeed in that anticipated.
Breastfeeding comes with a lot of misconceptions like most mothers believe it is painful, when in fact it should be comfortable for both the mother and baby.
In addition, many mothers believe they can not continue to drink occasionally when breastfeeding or go out with their friends or partners.
Many mothers also believe it can impact their ability to get back to their previous body shape which is also a misconception.
Are you looking for a lactation consultant to help resolve your breastfeeding issues? It means you are half way there. The fact that you KNOW lactation consultants exist and you should look for one means you are SO close to resolving the issue. Most women actually don’t realize lactation consultants exist and THEY are who […]
I delivered my son 9 years ago. Determined to breastfeed. I had just gotten out of a C-section. I am not exaggerating when I tell you, the pain I felt while breastfeeding, was way worst than my C-section pain and recovery. I remember feeling pain in my toes and fingers every time anyone told me
My son stopped breastfeeding a few days after his 2nd birthday. He had already skipped a few days without breastfeeding all by himself. So when he asked to breastfeed afterwards randomly, I offered him a different source of milk instead. Then 1 day passed, 2 days, 10 days, and now almost 2 months passed. My son